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Public Education

Website Image under Public EdThe links below are from various sources and will help provide information about storm water management and what you can do to help.  Never dump anything down a storm drain, catch basin, river, stream or ditch.  This includes items such as litter, cigarettes, leaves, grass clippings, fertilizer, oil or gas.  Vienna Township works with Genesee County and the State of Michigan to keep our waters safe.  Please remember to stay vigilant and if you see someone putting something into our storm system that doesn't seem right, please call the building department right away at 810-686-7676.

Storm vs. Sanitary
What is a Watershed?
What is a Wetland?
Grand Valley State University Stormwater Education

What You Can Do:
Seven Simple Steps to Clean Water
The Water's Edge
Adopt Your Catch Basin
Car Washing Tips
Fertilizing Tips
Illicit Discharge Information
Septic System Tips
10 Things We Can Do to Protect Watershed
Pet Waste
Vehicle Maintenance

Web Links:
Genesee County Community Water Quality Consortium
Genesee County Drain Commission
Genesee County Health Department
Greater Lansing Regional Committee for Stormwater Management (GLRC)
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)
MidMichigan Environmental Action Council
Michigan Water Environment Assocition
Center for Watershed Protection